Want to get perks for flying? Here are three travel recommendations to help you make the most out of your flight experience.

1) Travel More Sustainably

Some airlines, including JetBlue, are starting to incorporate more practices to improve sustainability of travel. Why not take advantage and play your part in helping save the environment. Book a “green” flight on planes that are more efficient on fuel and giving off CO2 emissions. Compostable cutlery can be used on these flights=, such as plates, knives, and forks, to ensure better protection of the environment.

2) Travel Beyond The Pond

There are plenty of longer distance destinations for you to travel too – and sometimes on the cheap! You don’t always have to travel closer to home to get the best deals and prices. By using Mint, you can see what all there is for you to choose from.

3) Earn Points For Travel

Gain points on your flight spending and then use them on other flights. One way to do this is through the TrueBlue package which provides many points and perks for flying.